At The Marketechs360, we value the long-term relationships we build with our clients and understand the importance of providing incentives for both loyalty and referrals, especially when it comes to our Customer Support Systems, including Email and Live Chat, implemented directly on clients’ websites. We’ve structured our long-term incentives to ensure continuous value and appreciation for our clients’ commitment and support. Here’s how we reward long-term partnerships and referrals:

Loyalty Discounts

  • Service Renewals: For clients who continue to utilize our Customer Support Systems over time, we offer loyalty discounts. These discounts apply to service renewal fees, making it more cost-effective to maintain high-quality customer support as your business grows.

Referral Rewards

  • Benefits for Referrals: Clients who refer new businesses to our Customer Support Systems receive rewards as a token of our gratitude. These rewards may include service credits, discounts on future enhancements, or even complimentary additional features, depending on the referral’s scope and impact.

Priority Access to New Features

  • Early Adoption: Long-term clients and those who refer others to us gain early access to new features and updates to our Customer Support Systems. This priority access ensures that your business stays ahead with the latest tools and functionalities in customer support technology.

Enhanced Support

  • Dedicated Support Channels: Our long-term clients enjoy enhanced support, including dedicated channels for quicker resolution of any issues and direct access to advanced technical assistance, ensuring your customer support system operates smoothly.

Customized System Enhancements

  • Tailored Upgrades: Recognizing the evolving needs of our clients, we offer customized enhancements for our Customer Support Systems. This includes developing new features or integrations that specifically address the unique challenges or opportunities your business faces.

Exclusive Training Sessions

  • Advanced Training: We provide exclusive training sessions for our long-term clients and their teams. These sessions cover advanced functionalities of our Customer Support Systems, best practices for customer engagement, and strategies to maximize the effectiveness of email and live chat support.