At The Marketechs360, we deeply value the long-term relationships we build with our clients and are committed to offering incentives that encourage not only their continued partnership with us but also the referral of other businesses in need of e-commerce seller verification documents. Our incentive program is designed to provide tangible benefits for both ongoing engagements and for bringing new clients into the fold. Here’s a detailed look at the long-term incentives we currently offer:

Loyalty Discounts

  • Repeat Service Discounts: We offer significant discounts on our services for existing clients who need re-verification or additional services for new e-commerce platforms. This loyalty discount is our way of saying thank you to our clients for their continued trust in our services.

Referral Program

  • Referral Bonuses: Clients who refer other businesses to us receive a referral bonus, which can be applied as a discount on future services or redeemed as a cash reward. This program is designed to mutually benefit both our existing clients and the businesses they refer, ensuring that everyone gains value from the relationship.
  • Tiered Incentives: The more referrals a client makes, the greater the rewards. Our tiered incentive system means that clients who make multiple successful referrals enjoy increasingly substantial benefits, including exclusive services and higher tiers of discounts.

Complimentary Services

  • Free Annual Check-Up: We offer complimentary annual check-ups for our long-term clients, ensuring that their e-commerce seller accounts remain compliant with the latest platform requirements. This proactive service helps prevent any issues that could arise from changes in platform policies or regulations.
  • Priority Support: Long-term clients and those who refer new businesses to us receive priority support, including faster response times and access to our senior verification specialists for consultations and assistance.

Exclusive Access to New Services and Features

  • Early Access: Clients who maintain a long-term relationship with us or who are active in our referral program gain early access to new services, features, and tools that we develop. This includes beta testing opportunities where clients can influence the development of future offerings.
  • Customized Solutions: We work closely with our long-term clients to understand their evolving needs and, when possible, develop customized solutions that address their specific challenges, further enhancing the value we provide to their businesses.

Educational and Networking Opportunities

  • Exclusive Workshops and Seminars: We host workshops and seminars on topics relevant to e-commerce success, including advanced verification strategies, platform optimization, and industry trends. Our long-term clients and those who refer new businesses have exclusive, complimentary access to these events.
  • Networking Events: We facilitate networking events that allow our clients to connect with other e-commerce professionals, share experiences, and learn from each other. These events are a valuable opportunity for growth, learning, and collaboration.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement Loop

  • Client Advisory Board: Active clients and those who have made referrals are invited to join our Client Advisory Board. This group plays a critical role in providing feedback on our services, suggesting improvements, and shaping the future direction of our offerings.